Japan publishes a draft for the revision of some provisions in the "Food Labelling Law", "Health Promotion Law", and "Japanese Agriculture and Forestry Standards and Other Related Laws"
Food Safety News
Global Foodmate
On January 27, 2021, the Consumer Agency of Japan issued an order for the "Cabinet Office Order of Article 6 Item 3 of the Food Labeling Act, the Labeling Matters and Compliance Matters stipulated by the Ministry of Finance Order" and the "Food expression Act Article 6 8 Allergens, the expiration date, whether the food needs to be heated for safe ingestion, and other cabinet ministerial orders that have an important impact on food safety during food intake, and the relevant cabinet Draft for comments on some amendments to relevant Cabinet Office Orders, such as the “Ministry Order” and “Special Use Labeling Permits under the Health Promotion Act.”
The purpose of this revision is to simplify administrative procedures and reduce the requirements for stamping in administrative documents.
The deadline for soliciting the above opinions is February 25, 2021.
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